Git and GitHub are not the same thing. Git is an open-source, version control tool created in 2005 by developers working on the Linux operating system; GitHub is a company founded in 2008 that makes tools which integrate with git.
After a long time I am again with you with one of my #Experience. I hope you all are great. Today, in this article I will tell you about a workshop given by LinuxWorld Pvt. Ltd., under the mentorship of Mr. Vimal Daga ,which actually open my mind and make me believe that how a complex architecture can be easily be learned with the help of this workshop.
Without wasting your time I must conclude my Experience in few Points. But before that I am telling you more about the workshop.I learnt a lot stuff from the Workshop. It is full of Practical and a lot of technical terminologies and techniques. I find it beneficial as it make me to know many stuff and tempt me to be curious and know more about technologies.
Being fairly new to Git and the platform GitHub, I had a hard time working my way through it. Github has features such a repository which is your git project and you can work locally and push to your remote git repository. At first, I thought I was doing fine working with git, until I heard about features such as branching, pull request, commit message, merging and their different proper conventions. Then it dawned on me that I have a lot to learn to be able to take advantage of this tool.